Friday, July 20, 2012

Fusarium in our peas

Beets & carrots - our first beet harvest occurred this week

Tomatoes, marigolds & beans


Our peas began to wilt and looked unwell. Derrick and I took a sample to our crop pathogen expert, Scott, and he has suggested they have fusarium. Because this has been such a wet year and because of our rich soil, this was likely unavoidable. He suggests rotating the peas and seeding earlier so the plants can get a jump start on the fungus. Dave has since sprayed them out. 

Diseased pea roots

Diseased pea stem & leaves

1 comment:

  1. Hrvest tally for July 17:
    Swiss chard 4.5 lbs (this is almost ½ garbage bag!!)
    Lettuce 13 lbs
    Beets 96.5 lbs
    Tomatoes 4 lbs
