Saturday, June 26, 2010

Electric fence

Deer have decided to visit our garden. To dissuade them from entering, we have put up an electric fence around the periphery of the garden.

Instructions for turning off power supply to electric fence
1. Use pliers to turn the power switch to “off” postion.
2. You should see the voltage gauge drop to zero.
3. If the power has been disengaged, you should hear no clicking sound.
4. Please remember to turn power switch to “on” when leaving the garden.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

A digital garden - Online resource links spaces and growers

This article in Calgary's FFWD magazine describes how the digital age is helping those with gardening space and those who wish to garden create linkages.

Community gardens in Calgary

When travelling through Downtown Calgary, I encountered this community garden. These are company controlled greenspaces that are tended to by volunteers. The harvest goes to charitable organizations.

From the Downtown Calgary website -

Gardening provides tremendous psychological and physical benefits for individuals. And community gardening is also good for your business.
  • A more vital downtown means a better work environment
  • Giving back to the community is great for corporate morale
  • Garden is a great tool for team building
  • Your corporate pride will grow with your crops

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


Friday night frost risk. Yup. June 11. The tomatoes, peppers and eggplants were covered with tarps and removed Saturday. Thanks to those that volunteered tarps and those that did the covering and uncovering.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Seeding and weeding

On June 9, the Lettuce and Spinach team seeded more lettuce and spinach.

And hoed up weeds.

Shannan had a few plants left over from her home garden so these were planted as experimental crops.
Leeks, parsley, rosemary, basil and cantalope.


Peas are up!

So are the beets!

Lettuce, spinach and carrots have begun to emerge. We dug down to check on the beans and they have germinated.

And the tomatoes, peppers, eggplant and marigolds are beautiful.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Calendar added

A calendar has been added to the blog. Visit this to check on upcoming gardening events and schedules. The calendar is located at the end of the blog or jump to it by clicking on the link on the right.
LRC Foodbanks' Garden calendar

More lettuce & spinach

The Lettuce Team is planning on seeding more lettuce and spinach Wednesday, June 9 after work. They'll also do some weeding. If you wish to help, meet at the Garden between 4 and 4:30pm.

Tomatoes, Peppers, Eggplant are in the ground!

Thursday, June 3, the Tomato/Pepper Team planted out tomatoes, peppers and eggplant. They plan to plant out some marigolds tonight (Tuesday, June 8) after work for pest control.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Lettuce & Spinach varieties in our garden

Gourmet Mix-Canada No. 1
Grand Rapids-Mckenzie Seeds
Bloomsdale Long-Mckenzie Seeds